Willena Long

Willena Long

Build A Better Leader Executive Mastermind -

Starter Package

You've got a good team, but you're not sure how to make it great.

You need to build a better leader, but you're not sure how.

You want to grow your business, but don't know how to do it in a way that will last.

You need a new skill set and some new ideas, but you're not sure where to start or if you can even trust the advice you receive.

We get it! We've been there too. That's why we created Build A Better Leader Executive Mastermind—a series of online courses designed to help leaders develop their skills and take their teams from good to great in one year or less.

This program is designed for busy executives who want to make a real difference in their organization but don't have the time for all-day courses or weeklong seminars.

Through a mix of live workshops, personalized coaching sessions, and self-paced training modules, Build A Better Leader Executive Mastermind helps you:

  • Build skills that will help you lead your team with confidence
  • Gain insights into how to better engage with employees
  • Learn how to make decisions based on data rather than emotion
  • Understand what it takes to become a strong communicator with internal stakeholders and external clients

What you'll get:

  • Guidance on building a career plan (including goal setting)
  • An introduction to our exclusive community
  • Two hours per week with your coach
  • A personalized learning plan for each month
  • Weekly check-ins with your coach
  • Group discussion forums
  • Monthly workshops
  • Unlimited email access to us 

You're in the right place. We can help you get there. Due to the nature of the purchase, there are no refunds available.

Investment - $4,997

Hi! I'm Willena.

I help leaders boss up from passive to purpose so they can supercharge their impact. My background is in educating leaders at the highest levels of some of the most well-known FAANG companies.

Executive coaching is designed to help senior leaders execute at the highest level, through tailored feedback, strategy, and problem-solving support. The sessions equip leaders with the lens, mindset, and tools required to consistently perform at the top of their game. Through personalized coaching sessions that combine a mix of technology, neuroscience, and behavioral science with my own experience as a leader, I'm able to identify your strengths as well as areas for improvement. This allows me to tailor your sessions based on your needs so you get the most out of each session!

To learn more about my offerings please reach out directly.

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