Elizabeth Harper

Elizabeth Harper

Elizabeth Harper is on a mission to help women achieve greater confidence, take decisive action, and exchange wishful thinking for successful living. 

Trained as professional life, confidence, and law of attraction coach, she has the unique ability to transform self-doubters into confident manifesters™ 

By rising above numerous tragedies in her life, Elizabeth found used her inner power to successfully re-invent herself and thrive. She now shares this transformational knowledge by coaching women to elevate their self-image and live a life of greater success. 

Her education includes bachelor’s degrees in psychology and health and wellness and certification as a holistic health practitioner. 

Elizabeth is also a 2X best-selling contributing author and has published stories about her transformational journey and of manifesting incredible events using the law of attraction. 

Always a fan of learning and improving her skills, Elizabeth is currently training with Lisa Nichols from the movie and book The Secret, to become an even more dynamic and motivational speaker.

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